What is Apetamin
It is a syrup sold as a supplement, for weight gain and sleep remedies. Over the years many have depended on this “supplement” for better sleep and for appetite stimulation, especially for women and children, Irony is illegal in many countries because of the contents which have a severe detriment to health. But one keeps wondering why this particular item is in high demand and very much in circulation. The active ingredient in Apetamin is “Cyproheptadine” HCL is addictive and dangerous and is not in any way a vitamin supplement but rather more of an antihistamine( piriton/loratadine class) hence the reason for sleeping excessively. Apetamin is a mixture of different nutrients and substances, so we know that it contains B vitamins and it also contains lysine, a type of amino acid, which is a building block for protein,” registered dietician Tai Ibitoye explains. “cyproheptadine which is actually an antihistamine for allergies. How it works is that it blocks histamine receptors so that the chain reaction that causes the symptoms of allergies is stopped. The potential side-effect of this particular antihistamine is increased appetite and weight gain.”

Apetamin illegal slim-thick wonder drug that preys on black women’s insecurities
A lot has changed really, back then, thin was in and thick was, well, treated as a punchline in popular culture. Many women go through body shaming both online and offline, especially for Petites like us. If a woman is not shamed for being short, it will be for being very slim, or without some fleshy hip and thighs or a sizeable breast. These and more are driving many women coupled with the insecurities in the quest for a remedy like Apetamin to look “Thick, respected and accepted”. Unfortunately too, it’s seen as a sign of suffering, poverty, not being married well by a husband if married, not yet enjoying life, etc. Countless times I have seen where ladies are asking for what to use to add weight on comment sections, at pharmacies, reasons why these illegal and killer supplements will continue to circulate in the market. Sadly everything boils down to societal status in the present time. Apetamin destroys men and women. it is banned in Uk, the USA, and many sane countries, That includes Nigeria and probably Namibia due to their adverse effects but these drugs are still being sold, very well in circulation! Be aware that Apetamin can knock you into a coma. From sleep you can get unconscious, land in a coma, develop brain death and die. APETAMIN is NOT just a “harmless supplement”. It is a dangerous life-destroying medicine. In the UK and the USA, NO doctor can prescribe it and NO licensed pharmacy can sell it. Dr. Olufemi narrated his experience of a little girl given Apetamin. “A few years ago when I worked in University College Hospital in Ibadan, a mother rushed in her little girl. She was 13years old. She was brought in with yellow eyes, and yellow skin looking very unwell. Her tests showed she had developed sudden liver failure. We wondered why this was. On asking the mom a few questions, we found out this little girl was given Apetamin because the mom thought “she needs to add weight”. Instead what happened was this child started getting a puffy face, skinny legs, big stomach; developed liver failure, and eventually went into a coma. For 2weeks this child was unconscious and in a coma. I can never forget her face and her innocence. We tried hard to bring this child back from a coma. We were working in 24hr shifts as young doctors round the clock to save this girl. She eventually developed brain damage and died.“oh it works” “maybe it’s an overdose”: Actually NO IT IS NOT an overdose. That child died because APETAMIN is dangerous and deadly.” There’s indeed a huge concern about the safety of APETAMIN. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in the UK did an investigation last year into this terrible drug. They found many young ladies who were taking this dangerous apetamin got seizures, collapsed, and ended up in hospitals.
Apetamin Lies
Voluptuousness has long been hailed within Black culture. As a Black woman from an African background, I was told that having a bit of meat in the right places looks healthy, some also associated with fertility, beauty, wealth, and power. The popularity of Apetamin in some African countries according to research, three out of four people in Kinshasa have taken the stimulant: a clear indicator that, “Big is beautiful” is a way of life in these areas.“It will give you curves” “It will help you gain weight” “It will make you slim thick” “You will only add bumbum” IT IS FRAUD. IT IS A SCAM. Again to be clear, Apetamine is dangerous; It is terrible, it is not safe; It will give you seizures, and liver failure and it will kill you! health professionals are screaming while trying to educate the masses.

Apetamin Safe Way To Add Weight
If you need to add weight, Pls kindly do it in a safe and healthy way. There are NO magic drugs to gain weight. If anyone is telling you “take these drugs to gain weight, to add bumbum, and to become slim thick”, please run for your life. You may not be lucky: You may wake up dead. Simple Tips to Gain Weight: Rest well, NEVER skip meals, Eat 5-6times a day, eat snacks between meals, eat a lot of meat, milk, yogurts, fish, and eggs; potatoes, yams, brown rice. Use bigger plates and finish it, •Avoid stress & excessive exercise, Eat French fries, Take potato chips, Eat cakes, pizzas, small chops, doughnuts; Take soft drinks and energy drinks, eat lots of white bread, eat chocolate regularly; Drink ice cream every day, Also flavored yogurts as well, take lots of milk/milkshakes, Don’t take water before you eat/while eating. Only drink water at the end, Drinking water before/during eating makes you full easily. Don’t smoke: smokers tend to weigh less. Stopping smoking helps you gain weight. Try weight gainer drinks/shakes, You can inquire from a good pharmacy/store and take advice from a nutritionist or gym trainer on which is best. They are usually high in protein, carbs, and calories which can help you add weight. Because you are underweight, there are some things that you are permitted from time to time. Also junk food like cake, burgers and ice cream makes people gain weight. Little bedtime snacks at night help with weight gain. But monitor your weight- so you don’t become overweight. While a good number of people are fat and overweight, actually a high number of people are underweight as well. (To be sure check your BMI) And just like being overweight, being underweight also has its problems both medically and psychologically. Not everyone is happy being “small” or being underweight. If you notice that despite doing everything you lose weight and are skinny- speak to a doctor. Sometimes illnesses like diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer, HIV, and some infections can keep people underweight. Anything without a balance will surely bring a problem, be it underweight or overweight!

An Entrepreneur , B.A Foreign Languages ,PGD Health and Social care Management ,American Caregiver Association (Member) ACA Certified, Leadership and Management.