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Marry For Love OR Kindness

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  • 6 min read

 Marry Someone Who You Love; Marry Someone Who Is Kind.

People have been debating this topic for years, and there is no clear answer. On one hand, marrying for love seems like the ideal situation – you’re with someone you’re attracted to and who you get along with well. However, on the other hand, marrying for kindness can be just as good – you’re with someone who makes you happy and who treats you well. So which is better? It really depends on the individual couple. Some people might find that marrying for love is perfect for them, while others might prefer to marry for kindness. Ultimately, it’s up to the couple to decide what’s best for them.

There are many reasons to get married: love, happiness, companionship, and children, to name a few. But is it better to marry for love or for kindness? Some people believe that it is better to marry for love. They feel that if you marry someone you don’t love, you will eventually grow to resent them. Others believe that it is better to marry someone you are kind to, even if you don’t have strong feelings of love for them. They feel that a kind spouse is more likely to be loyal and supportive than one with who you are only in love. So which is better? It really depends on the individual couple. Some couples will be perfectly happy marrying for love, while others will be happier marrying for kindness. The most important thing is that both partners are on the same page and have the same priorities when it comes to marriage.


Marry For Money Or Kindness

The old saying goes that “money can’t buy happiness,” but is it really true? A growing number of people seem to think that marrying for money is the key to a happy life and with good reason. A study by economist Andrew Francis of Emory University found that, in general, couples who marry for money are happier than couples who marry for love. There are a few possible explanations for this. First, marrying for money usually means that both partners are financially secure, which reduces stress and makes for a more relaxed relationship. Second, when two people marry for money, they usually have similar interests and values, which makes them more compatible. Finally, having money gives people a sense of autonomy and control over their lives, which leads to greater happiness.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to choosing a spouse: marry for money or marry for kindness. Some people believe that it’s best to find someone who is wealthy and can take care of you financially, while others think that it’s more important to find someone who is kind and will make you happy. Neither approach is right or wrong, but it’s important to consider what’s most important to you before making a decision.

Marry Love Kindness Scenario

There’s a story someone narrated about his sister’s ex-husband, he used to go through the trash can to count how many sachets of pure water were used daily. he used to lock her inside the house whenever he was going out and commands her to put all her calls on speaker, stopping her from going to school. another shared her shock; she visited her cousin’s house one Sunday and met his wife counting the pieces of meat he bought from the market..she asked her “what kind of nonsense is this” she said that’s how she counts every meat he buys and as he eats his soup, he knows how many have gone out. My neighbor will buy rice and keep it in his car, measure it for his wife, tag along with the pot of soup when he’s going to work so no one will touch it in his absence, another recounted. My neighbor told his wife to keep used diapers to know how many his baby uses daily. I knew someone sometimes ago, who will be in the kitchen while the woman is cooking and when she’s done, he is to give everyone his/her potion. The whole family including the wife will be in the queue. My sister’s husband used to measure rice or beans that his wife would cook for her before leaving for work every day. He’ll tell her how many months and days the rice, beans, and garri he bought should last in the store before buying another. These are real-life recounts.

Marry Being Unkind, Petty And Stingy

Marry someone who is generous, humble, respectful, friendly, kind, compromising, compassionate, understanding, and easygoing even if they don’t love you. Don’t marry someone who is selfish, uncompassionate, uncompromising, extravagant, lazy, or disrespectful even if they love you so much, Now I ask” is it possible for a man to love you, marry and not be kind to you?” People interpret and show love in different manners even when selfishness is written all over. I have seen all these not in between spouses alone but also amongst friends and relatives, who begin to measure how much shortage your presence is going to cost them hence will minimize ushering you or not usher anything at all. I mean how could one explain not being able to take out one egg from the crate without notice or approval? This is a union you got in based on love, where’s the kindness and compassion? You count and keep a tab of every single thing from the kitchen to the toiletries, demand for a change from your wife’s expenses, demand for her salary and earnings, measures every damn thing and the amount to be consumed precisely. Is this not a subtle kind of Abuse? is love still sustainable in this home? Love indeed is deliberate! should we blame this on poverty? a wasteful wife? This is also a common trait with the Rich! How petty is your spouse? Who do you Marry? I hear it becomes very prominent when children start coming.

Now on what basis would you choose a partner???


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