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The things you need to know about ivf

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In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process of assisted reproductive technology used to help couples conceive when they have difficulty doing so. IVF involves the removal of eggs from a woman’s ovaries and their fertilization with sperm in a laboratory dish. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred into the uterus through an opening in the cervix. This process allows for pregnancy in women who are unable to do so without medical assistance.

 The success rates of IVF are quite high. For women under 35, the rate of natural embryo development is 40% to 50%. For women aged over 43, it’s about 30%. However, the success rates for a specific cycle may be lower than these averages if there are any factors affecting your fertility.

IVF success rate is about 50% and 90% in young women. The range of the success rate is between 40-60%.

Not all IVF treatments are successful. According to research collected in the UK, a woman’s chances of having a baby from an IVF cycle are: Fertility Treatments and IVF for Unexplained Infertility are not always successful though, some women can feel very disappointed that a year or so down the line things have not turned out as they had hoped when they set off along the adoption route.


ivf success rate

Can you have children after 40? We explain the IVF age limit, how to get pregnant at 42 and what are the chances of conceiving via IVF beyond 43 years old.

IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment in France has been available since 1983, and since then the country has emerged as one of the world leaders for fertility treatments. However, IVF treatment is not just for older women. In fact, according to a 2018 study by the French health and medical research institute INSERM, more than half of all IVF cycles performed in France are on women aged 35-39 years old (54.5%)

 The success rate of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is dependent on a number of factors. In the United States, the average chance of having a baby through IVF averages at 33% per attempt.

IVF Baby

 Sperm donation, egg donation, IVF In general artificial insemination is considered an acceptable alternative for infertile couples. The decision to opt for artificial insemination is often driven by a couple’s desire to have a child that is genetically related to them. Many couples are adopting children but there are many who are keen on having babies that share their genes. In addition, there may be other reasons like the medical condition of a partner which makes it difficult to have sex together or for the eggs to fertilize successfully.

My husband and I waited for 7 years before we had our first daughter, it all started as a dream and the years kept rolling by,1 year went to 2 and 3 and 4 before it dawned on us to medically seek help. I remembered at one point I was so laid back and just waiting for a miracle to happen. I am grateful today for 2 mothers that broadened my view on the joy of motherhood.” Oluchi the joy of motherhood is nothing to compare to any kind of fulfillment, this joy hits differently and do not allow anyone to talk you out of motherhood or convince you otherwise. if all fails medically abeg consider adoption, you think you have joy? wait till you experience this level of joy” they both echoed. their words swung me fully back into finding a medical solution. The truth is most times expected couples tend to assume that there’s still time on their side, religion and cultural beliefs are not excepted too, nonetheless, every anniversary is a subtle reminder of how long the wait has been. Drs discovered a fibroid that was just sitting on my uterus making it difficult for fertilization. hence I am not a candidate for IVF. The only option is for surgery which also left me without any kind of confirmation that my chances are high afterward because of the size and position. After many Dr’s opinions which came back only a 5% chance I took another leap of faith through a lifestyle change, it was the longest time of my life ! but it paid off just at the time My husband and I decided to go for adoption.

Science keeps getting better and help seems to be closer than we can imagine. As long as is anyone’s wish and heart desire to bring forth an offspring there are a thousand and one solutions, gone are the days they are limited. Young women while still waiting for whatever reason should also consider saving and freezing their eggs, this is simply how nature has made it, women at some point no longer produce healthy eggs, unlike men.

Surrogacy, Assisted ovulation, Treatment of low sperm count, Adoption, buying of Eggs and sperm from Medical banks/donors, etc are there to be a solution. Also, check if you are with the right person medically.

Disclaimer: Do your research and discuss with your medical practitioner 

Prolistem: have some success stories on Azoospermia

Cassanovum: Increases eggs in women

Oligospermia: (need an American herbal made sperm count booster which gives a miraculous sperm boost)

Baby dust to everyone whose heart desire is to bring forth an offspring, may odds fall into pleasant places for you, May your joys be full!





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