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Who Benefit More in Marriage?

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  • 3 min read

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz on the internet on how Marriage is an extended “babysitting” for men, whereby the men feel that they are now licensed to litter as there’s someone who will clean after them, feed them and also satisfy them in bed. while the “Alpha” Man does nothing around the home, except to bring in money. Some say “if” he brings in money then that’s fine and others argue most don’t bring in any form of income, while the majority are in for 50/50 split bills.

The people who will benefit most from marriage are those who are married to good women. However,  I do understand that some women are more suited for marriage than others, but this is not about them. Rather, it’s about men and their marriage experiences.


 Assume that marriage makes men happier.

Women who are married tend to be happier. That’s a hard fact to disregard, but it’s also true that if men aren’t happy in marriages they will spend less time with their spouse, and not necessarily become worse off financially. oh well, it all depends.

A recent study by researchers at the University of Connecticut found that a man’s relationship happiness is more related to his marriage status than his income. In fact, the researchers found that the happiest couples had been married for longer. 

Why do we make everything so hard and difficult, I mean a collaboration of a love union, as we claimed before getting married shouldn’t be that tough to reason and do things in common and with love. We hear things like,” You are not looking well-fed, you need a woman, it’s time to marry, your house is very untidy, etc” why do we always attribute these things to be women’s job in a Man’s life? why can’t a man be able to cook, clean, organize, manage himself well without the need of a woman? Marriage is a condition of intimacy and a source of stability.

In a study, there was a split between the number of hours worked during the marriage and the amount of time spent on chores. The authors found that when it came to working, men were happy in marriages where husbands did most of the household chores. In fact, over half of all families have at least one male who is primarily responsible for performing household chores. Please take this to the bank!

I do understand that women bring a kind of meaning and progress to men but the above affirmations sometimes may suggest that men need women to tidy them up. This may be another kind of subtle abuse no one is talking about LOL.

let’s analyze this:

Women drop their maiden names and take up Men’s Name ( who invented this? 🤣)

birth  children that bear men’s  name  (the risks and pains ) 

cook, clean, nurse, irons, breastfeed, do all domestic chores. (and still, work and make income/ share split bills)


Men Retain their name, Make money (either 100%, or 50%,20% or Nothing) Some helps domestically, and some do not even babysit a child that bears their name only! for a minute, The bedroom game (hoping it’s a top-notch)

Who does Marriage favors the most?? The main conclusion is that men benefit more in marriage than women do, so they should be the ones to propose and make sure that the ground is very balanced for a harmonious relationship.



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